
Atlantic’s FilterFalls are not only the perfect complement to our Skimmers, they offer performance and upgradeable filtration options that every pondbuilder will appreciate. Massively strong, with capacious interiors that accept up to six Matala mats and a variety of available biomedia, these solid workhorses provide the ultimate filter solution from newly installed to even the most heavily stocked ponds!

Did You Know?

Atlantic’s custom cut Matala Filter Kits add tremendous surface area for biological activity, with 62 square feet of surface area available for bacterial colonization in every square foot of black mat, 96 square feet for the green and 124 square feet for the blue. Each Matala Kit adds over 300 square feet of biological filtration to your pond.


Model: BF1600
Waterfall Width: 16″ Spillway
Pump Flow Range: 1,000-3,900 gph
Bulkhead: 1½”
Pond Volume: up to 1,250 gal
Match To Skimmer: PS3900
Warranty: Lifetime (enclosure)
Dimensions: 21½”W x 19½”D x 17¾”H

Model: BF1900
Waterfall Width: 19″ Spillway
Pump Flow Range: 2,500-4,000 gph
Bulkhead: 2″
Pond Volume: up to 2,000 gal
Match To Skimmer: PS4600
Warranty: Lifetime (enclosure)
Dimensions: 28″W x 25″D x 21½”H

Model: BF2600
Waterfall Width: 26″ Spillway
Pump Flow Range: 4,000 – 6,000 gph
Bulkhead: 2″
Pond Volume: up to 4,000 gal
Match To Skimmer: PS7000
Warranty: Lifetime (enclosure)
Dimensions: 34½”W x 25″D x 23″H

Model: BF3800
Waterfall Width: 38″ Spillway
Pump Flow Range: 6,000 – 8,000 gph
Bulkhead: 3″
Pond Volume: up to 8,000 gal
Match To Skimmer: PS15000
Warranty: Lifetime (enclosure)
Dimensions: 46½”W x 30″D x 23″H

Water Garden products